Monday 1 November 2010

201048日,周美芬基于个人所坚持的政治原则,毅然宣布辞去马华妇女组主席职位,并于同年428日辞去上议员与副部长职位。现于拉曼大学修读硕士,并成立了擎天方略有限公司,为企业策划与主办市场行销计划与活动。辞职后的周美芬对于妇女权益议题仍然念兹在兹,于2010年获得马中友好协会的支持,策划并筹办《百年回眸,风华策动 国际妇女节百年庆典文化盛宴暨马中亚太区女性经济高峰论坛》

On 8 April 2010, upholding her political convictions, Chew Mei Fun resigned as the Chairwoman of Wanita MCA and subsequently relinquished her Senatorship and Deputy Minister post on 28 April 2010. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree at the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and has formed i Peak Sdn Bhd which provides corporate planning and marketing events services. 

After her resignation, Chew Mei Fun continues to pursue her vision in championing the rights and interests of women. 

In 2010, she gained the Malaysia-China Friendship Association support to take full charge of the  planning and organizing of the 《Malaysia-China-Asia Pacific Women’s Economic Summit - 100th Anniversary Of International Women’s Day: 100 Years In Retrospect, Women Continue To Drive Progress》.